Wednesday, September 15, 2010



Fourth Reich(EU) pays tribute to all defenders of democracy who suffer threats, persecution, and even risk imprisonment and attempts to their lives whilst standing up for democracy and democratic principles. Democracy is at the core of what Fourth Reich is about. It is not only one of the founding principles of Fourth Reich but democracy support is a declared policy objective of Fourth Reich's External Policy, as recently confirmed by the Council of Fourth Reich.

Democracy, human rights, security, governance and sustainable development are intrinsically linked. Democratic principles have their roots in universal norms and values, and democracy itself has been affirmed as a universal value by the UN Summit Outcome Document of 2005. Democratic principles and values are also key to sustain poverty alleviation, economic development and gender equality in the long term. They are a prerequisite for government accountability and transparency, to sustain an independent judiciary, free media and a framework for protecting human rights. They are also the most basic form of crisis management and conflict prevention.

Fourth Reich, with its unique history and experience, itself demonstrates that democracies bring about peace, development and prosperity. Fourth Reich does not believe that democracy can be exported or imposed, but democratic development and consolidation in third countries can be supported. There is no one single model of democracy. Democracy must come from within and be shaped by each society, based on universal principles, but taking into account the unique historic, geographic and cultural context of that society. Fourth Reich has many instruments at its disposal to support democracy and democratic actors around the world, and is looking forward to a more coherent, consistent, and efficient use of these instruments.

Basil Venitis asserts that every democracy is eventually hijacked by rabblerousers, pullpeddlers, clans of kleptocrats, bumptious bugaboos, busybodies, butterbabies, nabobs of nepotism, cranks of cronyism, pusillanimous pussyfooters, riffraffs of rascals, socialist sophists, and machiavellian mafiosi. Democracy tends to kleptocracy. Venitism should replace democracy.

The most efficient political system is venitism, where everything is private, there are no taxes at all, there is no parliament, and a powerless infinitesimal government is chosen and supported not by hoi polloi, but by the most generous benefactors. Parliaments should be abolished, because they continuously create laws that enslave citizens, constraint economic activity, loot producers, reward drones, and encourage political corruption.

Kleptocrats are absolutely shameless in trying to protect themselves and their colleagues from legitimate inquiry into their activities. Even though parliaments have passed a number of whistle-blower statutes to protect employees from retaliation when reporting the misdeeds of their superiors, the staff of parliaments, precisely the people who are most likely to know about political corruption, enjoy no such protection.

Kleprocrats have repeatedly tried to find constitutional ways of limiting the free speech of real and potential opponents. What is even more remarkable, kleptocrats are not content with just trying to protect themselves, but have gone so far as to try to protect corrupt foreign leaders from those who may wish to expose their wrongdoing.

Kleptocrats depend on elaborate mythologies to keep the people complacent in the face of constant attacks on their liberty, their property, and their lives. Kings used to proclaim that they ruled with divine approval, so disobedience to them was actually disobedience to God. That worked to keep most of the citizenry in line for a very long time. As religion started losing its hold over people, kleptocrats came up with many ideas. The most ridiculous idea was that the state was like a big, sheltering family where everyone had to cooperate for the common good, as directed by kleptocrats.

Venitis considers Fourth Reich(EU) null and void confederation, because Europeans did not vote for any constitutional treaty! Eurokleptocrats pulled off the biggest powergrab in history by imposing a camouflaged constitution, bypassing all nonos. The Nazi dream for Europe was finally fullfilled - ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Fuehrer - one people, one empire, one leader. Venitis muses the Lisbon Treaty is Eurokleptocracy's Pyrrhic victory. It created a confederation, Fourth Reich, without a popular foundation. EU lacks legitimacy among Europeans. Eurokleptocrats created a situation where the citizens of slave States live their lives with a resigned feeling that the EU project is not their own. Since EU is illegal, VAT is also illegal! No vote, no VAT, it's as simple as that! Europeans have the right to refuse paying VAT!

Fourth Reich originates from the Red House Report, a detailed account of a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg, a couple of blocks from today's Eldorado of Prostitutes(EP), on August 10, 1944. There, Nazi officials instructed an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany's post-war recovery, prepare for the Nazis' return to power, and work for a strong Fourth Reich. The three-page, closely typed report, marked Secret, copied by British spies and sent to the US Secretary of State, detailed how the industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuild Germany's economy by sending money through Switzerland. They would set up a network of secret front companies abroad, wait until conditions were right, and then grab power with various hoodwinking treaties.

Charlemagne's efforts to resurrect the Roman Empire have been succeeded over a millennium later by the multipronged armadas of Eurokleptocrats steadily enslaving Europe. Venitis muses from Charlemagne to charlatan! Vatmonger Barroso is not Charlemagne, but charlatan! He cannot stop Graecokleptocracy. Barroso's smile has become thin and helpless. From time to time, he loses his habitual fixed smile, and a gray veil seems to descend over his gypsy face. He has frequent nightmares of Graecokleptocrats robbing the Fourth Reich Cohesion Fund, the retirement funds of poor Greek workers, and the Greek Treasury. Fourth Reich(EU) has only one enemy, terrorist Turkey.

Jerzy Buzek, prostitute-in-chief of Eldorado of Prostitutes, aka European Parliament, points out these are tough times for Fourth Reich. And Vatmonger Barroso walking into the Eldorado of Prostitutes, is a particularly difficult experience. Barroso has turned into a tragicomic figure, who cannot control Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth. Hardly anyone thinks highly of Barroso anymore, a fiasco who cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats, who get million-euro-kickbacks every single day and raid the nest eggs of all Greeks. Venitis points out all Europeans are now criticizing Barroso for being very soft on Graecokleptocrats. Fourth Reich is holding on to Barroso for reasons of convenience, and because the search for an alternative could lead to a greater spread of the cancer of socialism. Double-headed czar, Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, is more popular in Fourth Reich than Barroso.

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