Friday, September 17, 2010



It's becoming more difficult for Gypsies in France every single day. The traveling people, gens du voyage, are suddenly finding themselves on the wrong side of the French government, more so than at any other time since World War II. Basil Venitis muses that Sarko cannot understand that he is also a sort of gen du voyage, a virtual Gypsy, since his father is a Hungarian immigrant and his mother a Jewish Greek! A virtual Gypsy harasses Gypsies!

At a Brussels summit on Thursday, Napoleon Sarko and Durao Barroso locked horns. Sarko publicly defended his country's controversial policy of dismantling illegal camps and deporting their Gypsies. France has dismantled more than 100 Gypsy camps in recent weeks, deporting 2,000 Fourth Reich(EU) citizens back to Hungary and Romania.

France's ongoing deportation of Gypsies has been making headlines around the globe. But Venitis notes Gypsies have been living in France for many centuries. In the 15th century, Gypsies arrived in Europe from India via Little Egypt, a passage in Northern Greece. In Gypsy ghettos, the narrow alleyways criss-cross between pre-war buildings, and laundry hangs out to dry overhead. Children play barefoot around in the alleyways, while elderly men talk animatedly in front of their apartment buildings. In Gypsy camps, tents are scattered all over under unhealthy conditions. Nobody gives a damn, nobody cares. Children here belong to a lesser God.

In response to the Commission's threat to consider bringing France before the Fourthreichian Court of Justice, Sarko said the Commission has wounded France! Sarko's discrimination and integration have long been defining issues in the lives of French Gypsies. They are all citizens of France, but poverty and illiteracy have been their constant companions. Still, the life of Gypsies appears to be marked by a lust for life and by a taste for the melodramatic. Gypsies usually earn a living in recycling scrap metal and garbage. A kilo of scrap iron fetches 20 to 30 cents, a kilo of copper goes for four or five euros, and brass is also a good seller, as long as they can find a scrap dealer willing to do business with Gypsies.

Venitis laments the scrap dealers on Boulevard Felix Faure of Paris and elsewhere in France are now asking for a French ID card, which Gypsies don't have. All they have is a worthless foreigners' ID card from other countries and temporary Balkan passports. The fact that Gypsies have been citizens of the European Union is irrelevant. The people look at their faces and see a Gypsy. And Gypsies are not the kind of people with whom the French are eager to be doing business with these days.

Fourthreichian Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding on Tuesday criticized the policy in an emotional speech, saying it specifically targeted people of a particular ethnic origin and thereby gave rise to a situation she thought Europe would not have to witness again after the Second World War.

After meeting with me on the sidelines of the summit, Sarko lied to journalists that I had offered my total and complete support for his policy! I swiftly denied this assertion, saying I had at no point discussed these issues with Sarko, either in public or private.

I support criticism of Francokleptocrats in the form and the tone of the statement made by Fourth Reich Commissioner Reding. I tried to make light of Thursday's tense atmosphere, praising the summit catering and describing the exchange between Barroso and Sarkozy simply as a discussion that clearly described the issues. The Gypsy deportations would be addressed again in October, and I hope Fourth Reich would now return to its good, sensible cooperation. The only Fourthreichian leader to openly support Sarko's policy of closing illegal camps and deporting their inhabitants is Il Duce Berlusconi.

The consequences of Sarkozy's racism are now in full view almost daily. In fact, what is happening in France today is ethnic cleansing, pure and simple. Crews are showing up in shantytowns with bulldozers and backhoes, destroying the roofs of shacks or demolishing them completely. Before the demolition crews arrive, the residents are driven out by canine squads, often provided by private security firms. Then the police units arrive, together with teams wearing white overalls and facemasks, suggesting a need for disinfection.

Addressing the eviction raids, delegates to the National Assembly of France used the term rafles, a word that in France had been reserved for raids against the Jews during World War II, and sharply criticized the policy as a case of state racism, calling it a season of shame. Edwy Plenel, editor-in-chief of the influential French newspaper Le Monde for many years, condemned the president as an enemy of the constitution who was trampling on the basic right to equality to which all citizens are entitled by law, irrespective of their origins.

Gypsies already take it for granted that they are unwanted, wherever they turn up in Europe, and they are constantly trying to make the best of their miserable situation. The supposed repatriations, publicized by the government with much fanfare, are completely ineffective. There are half million Gypsies in France, and 10,000 are expelled each year. They leave and then they return, participants in a cat-and-mouse game the government cannot possibly win.

Gypsies do not steal, are not particularly bothersome, and do not defraud anyone. They scrounge and sell scrap metal, and in doing so they have, in a sense, found their niche, playing a vital environmental role in recycling. They live on the crumbs that fall from the tables of an affluent society. They spend half their days driving through the suburbs, searching for usable waste, and anyone who observes them as they make their rounds quickly realizes that they work hard to make ends meet. They remove the things that people no longer want, the television sets, ironing boards, stoves, and window frames left on the sidewalks. They dig around in garbage cans for electronic scrap or a few pieces of bread, and they go to the street markets at the end of the day to gather crushed vegetables and leftover fruit, and to take meat that is past its sell-by date off the hands of butchers.

Basil Venitis,, muses that France-Fourth Reich(EU) relations have become increasingly similar to the Ballet de la Merlaison, created by Louis XIII of France in the 17th century. In this unique ballet, the king authored the work and played the leading role. All the other roles in the ballet were considered extras, who eagerly danced to the tune of the king. As long as the king was still alive, this ballet was considered to be the work of a genius. Sarko, who loves the Ballet de la Merlaison, asserts France should play the leading role in Fourth Reich!

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