Saturday, September 18, 2010



Despite technological improvements, the future will be resource constrained. I include biodiversity, land and atmosphere in that definition of resource. 20th Century has brought us the great acceleration. We experienced a fourfold growth in population; a fortyfold growth in economic output. But we also increased our use of fossil fuels 16 times, our fishing catches 35 times, our water use 10 times and our carbon emissions 17 times!

This is good news in probably only one respect. That we now recognise that both our economic and environmental success depend on us making a rapid transition to a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy. This was recognized – up to a point - when Europe's economic strategy – the Europe 2020 Strategy – was agreed by the Heads of States of the EU earlier this year. This strategy will be an practical driver of policies that will help strengthen the ability of the EU's member states to address the many challenges faced in today's world, both individually and collectively through the EU.

Basil Venitis,, has proven that climate change is heliogenic, not anthropogenic. Nevertheless, carbonmonger kleptocrats, using buzzwords like carbon footprint and clean energy, are growing a socialist movement that won't actually benefit Gaia, but will make our lives miserable, spread by the cancer of socialism. Temperature fluctuations are only due to Sun cycles, but are used as an antivenitist instrument, not a real object of interest for socialists who camouflage the environmental game.

Importantly, the new Europe 2020 strategy includes explicit goals for fighting climate change and the promotion of Resource Efficiency, both absent from its predecessor Lisbon Strategy of 2000. Venitis notes global warming is due to a persistent 1,500 year heat cycle, extending back over one million years. Natural factors include continental drift, mountain formation, deviations of Earth's orbit, volcanic activity, and solar variability. For a human generation, solar variability is the most important factor of climate change.

I admit that despite these improvements, we are still at the beginning of the road and how we go about this in the future will be a true test of our individual and collective desire to deliver on lasting increases in growth, higher employment and higher quality of life. To achieve that Europe, will have to decouple economic growth from consumption of resources. In layman's terms, we will use declining amounts of natural resources to deliver ever greater quality of life.

This change comes out of recognition of the interconnections between our economy and our environment. It has profound implications for policy. Our policy response must also recognise that there are corresponding interconnections between our policies for the economy and the environment. In that I include, among others; energy, climate, transport, employment, innovation and taxation policy. And agriculture and fisheries; both closely linked to environmental issues.

Respecting the interconnections means that we must have much better alignment of our policies in these areas, if we are to deliver on our goals. Venitis asserts that climate scaremongers ask for an unprecedented socialistic control of our lives. Socialism camouflaged as environmentalism! Those who accept the alarmist view of anthropogenic climate change are marionettes of antivenitist pullpeddlers, socialist kleptocrats, producers of green technologies, agribusiness producing ethanol, and trading firms dealing in carbon emission rights. Climate scare is the main threat to freedom and prosperity we are facing today.

For example, we cannot continue to forget that our choice of taxation affects prices and so the direction of innovation and growth. If we have higher taxes on labour than on resource and energy use, resources are relatively cheaper. In that case our tax system ends up promoting greater resource use in the economy, rather than greater employment.

I believe in markets. So much so that I doubt that our policy for a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy will deliver unless the markets are working in the same direction. Venitis muses that kleptocrats selling pollution permits to industry reminds us of the Catholic Church selling indulgences to sinners! Cap-and-Trade spreads the cancer of socialism and thus stifles innovation. We also know that strong economies innovate better than weak ones, but cap and trade weakens economies.

I also believe that markets are not good at planning for the long-term. The financial crisis was a clear pointer to the short-termism that can exist in market behaviour. Market activity also tends to be trapped in path-dependency, based on existing infrastructure, business models and technology paths.

Basil Venitis asserts that anthropogenic global warming is the hottest hoax ever perpetrated on a global scale. Rather than being wary of venitism's ability to shepherd good energy and environmental policy, we should protect our flocks from promises of false profits made by antivenitist pseudoprophets. Climate scaremongers endanger the freedom and prosperity of homo sapiens.

Eco-system services are an essential input into our economy. They provide clean water, fish, genetic resources, protection from natural hazards, erosion control, fertile soils and recreation. One example: New York, Tokyo, Melbourne and Rio all rely on protected natural areas to provide their drinking water, as do one third of the hundred biggest cities in the world.

Venitis declares government is the greatest polluter. This polluter literally gets away with murder because of sovereign immunity. We should make government as responsible for its actions as everyone else is expected to be. Venitists protect the environment by first abolishing sovereign immunity. By turning to government for environmental protection, we've placed the fox in charge of the hen house! Governments control over 40% of land mass. Unfortunately, government's stewardship over our land is gradually destroying it.

In soil, we have one of the largest sinks for greenhouse gases under our control and under our feet. Europe's soils contain 75 billion tonnes of carbon. Yet we often neglect that. As a result, there is evidence that agricultural practices have led to a decline of organic carbon in soil of 0.6% - or 13 million tonnes – each year in the UK in recent decades. It's a similar story in other EU countries.

We need to make sure our different policy areas all pull in the same direction. To point the way, the Commission will produce a Roadmap to a Resource Efficient, Low-Carbon Economy by the middle of next year. This will set out the short-term and long-term policy steps to achieve our objectives, taking forward the direction given in the Europe 2020 Strategy. It will focus on the policy needed to drive much greater investment in innovation and work on the connections between areas of policy.

Venitis points out a freakish commercial of Greenpeace shows an angry child accusing all adults of destroying his future with global warming! Thousands of drones benefit directly from the global warming scare, at the expense of the ordinary consumer. Global environmental organizations, such as Greenpeace, the Sierra Club, and the Environmental Defense Fund, have raked in many billions of euros. Government subsidies for useless mitigation schemes are skyrocketing. Emission trading programs are at three hundred billion euros a year level, with large fees paid to brokers, those who operate the scams, and kleptocrats. Many people have discovered they can benefit from climate scares and have formed an entrenched alliance with mafiosi and kleptocrats.

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