Thursday, May 27, 2010



Everybody now understands English, and we do not need translators anymore. Of course, there are many people, especially kleptocrats, who pretend they do not understand English, in order to give translation sinecures to their countrymen. Translators are now sinecurists, and taxpayers should stop paying billions of euros for translations and sinecures.

Basil Venitis,, points out that multilingualism is a euphemism for babelism, and multiculturalism is a euphemism for weird Anglophobia! Eurokleptocrats babelize and Angloscare Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, because Anglophiles tend to be venitists. English in the linguafranca of planet Earth. We all live in Anglosphere now. It's high time to establish English as the only official language of Fourth Reich(EU) and USA.

Venitis notes language is a unifying instrument which binds people together. When people speak one language they become one society. Americans and Fourthreichians want an amendment that says the English language shall be the official language. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(EEOC) presumes that English-workplace policies are discriminatory, and thus illegal under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. For over twenty years, the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has aggressively targeted and punished employers who adopt English-language workplace rules.

American and Fourthreichian courts have repeatedly affirmed that employers have the right to establish English language policies. But EEOC disagrees with these rulings, and continues to enforce a policy which the courts have ruled is ultra vires, or beyond the EEOC's authority. The EEOC appears to have implemented a strategy of trying to gain settlements from small businesses which do not have the resources to defend themselves in court. These settlements could then be used to create a legal precedent that contradicts earlier federal-court rulings.

Venitis asserts multilingualism is causing a growing underclass, which is segregated and walled off into linguistic ghettos. A century ago such immigrant ghettos were marked by extreme poverty, 80-hour workweeks and child labor. As the industrial revolution matured, immigrants discovered that language skills were the key to entering the emerging middle class. This, coupled with mandatory public education and reduced immigration, resulted in the successful assimilation of ethnic communities into Western society.

Today in segregated classrooms, bilingual education keeps immigrant children from learning English, by teaching them in foreign languages. And millions of people cannot find good-paying jobs, because they lack the ability to speak English with customers, coworkers or employers. Opponents of making English the official language charge that it is anti-immigrant, or that it is merely symbolic and therefore unnecessary. These charges are false. Learning to speak English empowers immigrants. By more than 2-1 immigrants themselves say US and Fourth Reich should expect new immigrants to learn English and by a 9-1 margin immigrants believe learning English is essential to succeed in US and Fourth Reich(EU).

Venitis points out that having English as the official language of US and Fourth Reich simply means that for the government to act officially, it must communicate in English. It means the language of record is the English language, and that no one has a right to demand government services in any other language. Official English would also reinforce the historic message to new immigrants, that we expect them to learn English as the first step in their assimilation, and that we are committed to ensuring that all Americans and Fourthreichians share in the economic, social, and political benefits of having a common language.

The fact that we have a common language, English, the linguafranca of planet Earth, is one of the most important things we have tying us together. Now we live in a time of unprecedented immigration to US and Fourth Reich. Speakers of Arabic, speakers of Cantonese, speakers of Thai, speakers of Vietnamese, speakers of Tagalog, speakers of a variety of Fourthreichian languages, speakers of Mandarin, they are coming from all over the world and joining us in our society. Somehow or other, within a generation or two, we have to get them all together, talking to each other, electing each other to city councils, doing business with each other, buying and selling from each other, creating governments, creating societies. We can only have this unified society, if we ultimately agree on English as our official language.

When someone in the past dared to draw attention to the social-engineering substance of multiculturalism, he would earn the label of a xenophobe. It is obvious that the majority of the politicians did not want that. That is why they had neglected this important issue which, as a result, got into the hands of very problematic political leaders. That will probably continue also in the future. We should have the courage to enter into a fundamental polemic with the ideology of multiculturalism. It is the only way to make our continent function again according to the old, tried, and tested democratic rules.

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