Thursday, June 24, 2010



Terrorist Turkey, the bully of SouthEast Europe, is hosting the SouthEast European Cooperation Process(SEECP)junket! If this is not a joke, what is it? Basil Venitis, an Athenian orator, muses that kleptocrats, accompanied by their kith and kin, are going because they cannot miss a good party at taxpayers' expense. The worst thing that could happen in a junket is running out of caviar and hookers. Many junketeers use military jets that cost 10,000 euros per hour!

Basil Venitis,, points out Eurokleptocrats are often taking very expensive junkets, taking advantage of their positions and access to public funds to undertake pleasure trips thinly disguised as being of political importance. For example, a Eurokeptocrat might travel to Greece, claiming to attend a conference there, but leaving plenty of days to explore the Greek islands and Greek delights at leisure. Venitists target certain Eurokleptocrats for taking frequent junkets, reminding voters of their free ways with public funds when election day rolls around.

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan highlighted the further boosting of Greek-Turkish relations in talks he held with Greek Premier George Papandreou in Istanbul on Wednesday, on the sidelines of the SEECP junket. Erdogan mentioned the importance of the implementation of the agreements signed during his visit to Athens last May and the utilisation of the economic possibilites and opportunities appearing.

Papandreou, who is also the President of Socialist International(SI) had the opportunity of presenting Erdogan with the decisions taken by SI unanimously two days ago and in which both the Israelis and Palestinians are represented. Erdogan also referred to concern being created in Turkey by the latest upsurge in violence with the attacks by Kurdish patriots and the bombing acts taking place in big cities in Turkey.

Erdogan also assured Papandreou that Turkey will implement the recent decision by the European Court of Human Rights and will return to the Ecumenical Patriarchate the historic building of the Principos orphanage. Erdogan had already announced last August that Turkey will implement unequivocally the court's decision and reiterated this position on Wednesday during his meeting with Papandreou in Istanbul.

Venitis points out NATO includes Turkey, the #1 terrorist nation, that indulges in genocides, such as the Armenian genocide, the Greek genocide, the Pontian genocide, and the Cypriot genocide, and pogroms such as the Istanbul pogrom, a state-sponsored and state-orchestrated pogrom that compelled Greeks to leave Istanbul, in violation to the Treaty of Lausanne. NATO should either expel terrorist Turkey or disband.

Turkey is joining forces with Iran and Syria in an antisemitic Islamofascist axis of evil that seeks to destroy Israel and Islamize Europe as part of a long-term strategy of establishing the Global Caliphate. We live a nightmare of the emergence of Turkey as a Middle Eastern hegemon that is challenging and counterbalancing the Western power and Graecoroman culture.

Bassil Venitis, an Athenian orator, notes that since terrorist Turkey declared Casus Belli against Fourth Reich(EU) and Turcoterrorists continue to abuse the Fourthreichian islands near the Turkish border and traffic drugs and illegal immigrants to Greece, Fourth Reich reinforced its border management agency, Frontex, enhancing its operational capacity to support Greece against Turcoterrorism. Member States now put more equipment and more personnel at Frontex's disposal in the Aegean Sea of Greece. Frontex now coleads border patrol operations with Greece.

No one has been upfront with terrorist Turkey that its accession to Fourth Reich would weaken the bloc as an union of shared values, it would make Fourth Reich even less efficient, it would dilute Fourth Reich and transform it into a weird confederation. Instead, despite Turcoterrorism, it is business as usual when it comes to the accession negotiations. Soon, it will no longer be possible to say No without triggering bitter disappointment.

PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan was imprisoned in 1998 after famously reading in public a poem, much beloved of militant Muslims, containing the following passage: The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.

Since coming to power, Erdogan has greatly improved his country's relations with Syria and picked a loud quarrel with Israeli President Shimon Peres, disrupting what had been a rather close alliance between the Jewish state and Turkey. He has also been developing a new friendship with the Iranian regime next door, just as the rigged re-election of President Ahmadinejad has disgusted all who had hoped for freedom in that Islamic Republic.

Terrorist Turkey's support for a Gaza propaganda flotilla that Israel stormed has turned Erdogan into a folk hero, with his name invoked at rallies and babies named in his honor. This was a Gray Wolf action that was embraced and endorsed by Erdogan. It has clearly brought Erdogan prominence in the Arab world. It has raised his profile on the global stage, even though it has frustrated the West. At a rally in Beirut, thousands of Lebanese waved Turkish flags and nine coffins draped in the Turkish flag were displayed to honor the dead Gray Wolves.

Gray Wolves is the terrorist arm of the Turkish government. They are named after Asena, a female wolf in mythology associated with Turkic ethnic origins. The organization carried out many thousands of murders, especially in Cyprus. Gray Wolves have been responsible for numerous political assassinations and disappearances of human rights activists, and have ties with the Turkish mafia. Gray Wolf Mehmet Ali Agca attempted to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981.

But most fascinating of all, and all but unnoticed in the West, is Turkey's internal shift, the extraordinary series of events known as the Ergenekon Affair. The word refers to a valley lost deep in the Altai Mountains, supposedly the origin of the Turkish nation, who were miraculously led out by a gray she-wolf. The story was for many years a favorite of secular nationalists seeking to replace Islam with a patriotic founding myth. But now it is supposed to be the unifying name of a conspiracy of military officers, judges, journalists, professors, and reactionary political organizations.

The existence of this shadowy secularist spider's web has been the excuse for repeated waves of arrests, many of them at 4:30 in the morning, of prominent opponents of the Islamization of Turkey. Much of this activity was presumably a response to an attempt by the Constitutional Court to outlaw the AK party. This was the secular state's answer to the AK's efforts to overturn a ban on women wearing headscarves on state premises.

This seemingly trivial change is immensely important in a country where outward signs of Muslim fervor were banned by Mustafa Kemal before World War II in his attempt to turn Turkey into a modern nation, with a legal system based on Switzerland's rather than on Sharia and with emancipated women. Now, after years of Muslim subjection, the newly militant Islamic movement sees its chance to re-establish power.

Papandreou also held a private meeting with Fyromian Premier Nikola Gruevski, who does not follow Socrates. Basil Venitis,, points out Socrates's famous method was the dialectic, from the Greek word that suggests both discussion and analytical sorting. The purpose of dialectic was to strip away the false knowledge and incoherent opinion that most people inherit from their societies and unthinkingly depend on to manage their lives. Although Socrates claimed to doubt that he or anyone else could acquire true knowledge about the good and virtue and the beautiful, he nonetheless believed that examination, critical consciousness applied to questions of virtue and the good, could eliminate false knowledge and muddled opinion.

Socrates saw rational examination and pursuit of truth and virtue as the essence of what a human being is and the highest expression of human nature. That is why he chose to die rather than to give it up, declaring the unexamined life, he said, is no worth living. Basil Venitis, an Athenian orator, points out that Fyromians understand the dialogue in a way that differs sharply from that of Socrates. For them, dialogue does not mean an attempt to rationally debate a topic in order to arrive at the truth. Truth is already given. It's called Tito's Dogma, and the only dialogue that is acceptable is one that will eventually lead to the implementation of Tito's Dogma of finding an exit to the Aegean Sea by robbing the name and heritage of Greek Macedonia.

Speaking after the junket of Southeast European countries, Papandreou said that he had the opportunity of stressing again Greece's initiative on the accession course of the Western Balkans in 2014, as well as to stress that Greece is the most steadfast, the most reliable partner in the effort for the incorporation of the region in the European family.

Papandreou described the region's incorporation in the European Union as a process that secures and creates a new momentum in solving important political issues, that still exist in the region of the Balkans, and that permits us, particularly now, in this economic crisis to cooperate more closely, to utilise opportunities for the development of our economies so that we can secure security and prosperity for our citizens.

A single speech of Ronald Reagan, the Great Communicator, drastically changed the world! Reagan's Time for Choosing speech in 1964 is the historic event that launched his magnificent political career. Smart words are more effective than smart bombs. For your powwow, get a dynamic speaker who can transform your people and your world. Take advantage of the best libertarian orator of our times, Basil Venitis. As many associations, colleges, industry groups, companies, pullpeddlers, rabblerousers, and many gluckskinds have discovered, speeches by Basil Venitis add immeasurably to the enduring value of a conference.

Basil Venitis doesn't restate what you can learn from regular sources, but he stretches your imagination to new horizons. Venitis is extensively involved in policy issues and the Global Tax Revolt. He is often a part of the process, working to shape and direct critical components of libertarian issues. Speeches by Basil Venitis enable audiences to truly learn, and provide fascinating, provocative venitist insights and analysis by slicing right through the political jargon and getting to the heart of the matter. It's no wonder that Basil Venitis is the most frequently cited on the Internet and is so often called upon to present venitism and to clarify issues for the public. The many advantages of using Basil Venitis include:

Value. A single speech of Basil Venitis will be cherished by your people forever, guiding them at the crossroads of their lives and your organization, increasing their efficiency, and improving the good will of your organization.

Access. When scheduling Basil Venitis for your organization, you work directly with Venitis at to craft a speech that fits your precise needs. Venitis works with organizations to ensure that his speeches provide maximum value, and he shares their dedication to making their program a huge success.

Publicity. The announcement of Basil Venitis speaking at your conference will appear on most blogs and Internet groups all over the world.

Insight. Given Venitis's thirty years of experience in speaking across the globe, and with his unparalleled knowledge of politics and economics, he can help you determine the ideal subject area for your group.

Transformation. Your people will be transformed to a new level of knowledge, attitude, and organizational climate.

Revampia. Your organization will be revamped with new soul, vision, and values.

Affordability. Since first priority for Venitis is the advancement of venitist policies and ideas, the cost of having him speak is only 3,000 euros plus travel expenses from Athens.

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