Saturday, June 19, 2010

[speakoutforum] HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL


The Universal Nudnik(UN) is only as relevant as the member states wish it to be. In areas of common concern, the desire to cooperate and compromise may temporarily trump concerns over protecting state sovereignty and preserving freedom of action to deal with urgent security threats. The disappointing Universal Nudnik Human Rights Council(HRC), created to replace the discredited Universal Nudnik Commission on Human Rights, has ignored ongoing state-sanctioned human rights abuses in Belarus, Cuba, China, Iran, Zimbabwe, and elsewhere and instead has spent much of its time obsessing about Israel.

HRC's record is gravely disappointing. The council can now claim added legitimacy for its decisions and resolutions because of U.S. membership. The council's performance is unlikely to improve without drastic reforms to improve its membership, such as barring states with grave human rights violations from membership and requiring competitive elections. If membership reform efforts fall short, Uncle Sam should explore creating an alternative human rights organization composed of governments that respect and observe human rights.

Basil Venitis points out the United Nations(UN), aka Universal Nudnik, is a very corrupt organization, headed by the Secretary General, aka Civil Pope. At an Independent Inquiry into the Universal Nudnik Oil-for-Food Program, 3,000 companies from 70 countries paid bribes totalling about two billion dollars in exchange for contracts for delivery of goods to meet humanitarian needs. There were another 150 companies from 40 countries that reportedly paid illicit surcharges on oil purchases from Iraq. Civil Pope Kofi Anan himself got kickbacks!

Venitis notes that Ban Ki-moon, the former South Korean foreign minister, has been a weak Universal Nudnik Civil Pope. At Turtle Bay and elsewhere, the Civil Pope is seen as a disappointment and as the wrong man to assume a prominent role and lead the global community at a time when the world's political axis is shifting from America to Europe. Ban is more secretary than general. Many global organizations suffer from the fact that they are run by uncharismatic bureaucrats. In most cases, this is the fault of the kleptocrats who prefer to elevate weak figures, who won't meddle too much.

Since 2000 about 95% of Universal Nudnik member states that receive American and European assistance have voted against USA and EU most of the time in the Universal Nudnik General Assembly on non-consensus votes. The West should inform aid recipients that their support for Western priorities in Universal Nudnik and other international organizations will directly affect future decisions on allocating Western assistance. In order to strengthen and broaden support for Western policies in Universal Nudnik, the West should also seek to build coalitions of like-minded nations that are firmly committed to political and economic freedom. Over the long term, Western aid could facilitate the expansion of these coalitions by encouraging more countries to become freer, both politically and economically.

Unlike Universal Nudnik Security Council resolutions, which all Universal Nudnik member states are theoretically obligated to obey, General Assembly votes are non-binding. However, they do influence public perceptions in many countries and are often characterized as expressing the will of the international community. Regrettably, many proposals in recent General Assembly sessions, if adopted and enforced, would damage the global economy and Uncle Sam interests. This situation requires the West to pay close attention to General Assembly votes and Western diplomats and negotiators to spend much time and effort to prevent such initiatives from gaining international legitimacy through Universal Nudnik resolutions.

In protecting and advancing Western interests, the West should do all that it can to strengthen and broaden support for Western policies in Universal Nudnik. The West should focus on changing the dynamics of Universal Nudnik by explicitly linking Western assistance to support for Western priorities in Universal Nudnik, by forging coalitions with nations that share the Graecoroman principles of political and economic freedom, and by seeking to expand the membership of those coalitions. Increasing the number of economically and politically free countries and forging coalitions with those nations in Universal Nudnik will serve as an indispensable long-term diplomatic tool for advancing Western priorities.

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